We here at Zion celebrate our future believing that we are poised to meet the challenges of ministry. Today, Zion is a loving and caring fellowship offering a total ministry to individuals and families, young and old alike. At Zion we are searching for new ways to share ourselves and encourage one another as we work together to discover what it means to be a Christian in the world today.
Through this web site, we hope that you will find helpful information to aid in learning more about our congregation. And we hope that all will come to glimpse the joy we share here at Zion as the people of God celebrating life in Jesus Christ.
In Christ,
Pastor Kevin Stout
About Us
The Foundations of Zion Lutheran Church
Lutherans are a diverse group of people, convinced that the Holy Spirit is leading us toward unity in the household of God.
Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are connected to the faith of the church through the ages and around the world. Lutherans believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - the Triune God. We are part of God’s unfolding plan.
When we gather for worship, we connect with believers everywhere and of every time. When we study the bible and pray, we are drawn more deeply into God’s own saving story. When we serve others and address social issues that affect the common good, we live out our Christian faith.
Find out more about our people and the history of Zion Lutheran Church. Click here for more information on Who Are The Lutherans
Contact Us
Zion Lutheran Church 2215 Brandywine Ln York, PA 17404 Email: [email protected] Phone: 717 767-HOPE (4673)
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 9am-3pm
Online WorshipMonday
7:30pm Night Prayer Service
Go To www.facebook.com/zionyork/
10:00 am Online Worship Service
Go To www.youtube.com/zionyork2215 or
Worship at ZionSaturday
5:30pm Worship with Holy Communion
8:00am Worship with Holy Communion
10:00am Worship with Holy Communion
Downloadable Worship Folders can be found at